For this edition of eduhub days 2023, we have chosen to offer an open marketplace rather than parallel sessions.
During the two market place sessions, you will have the opportunity to discover, via the stands animated by the members of our community, all the projects and reflections that they will have chosen to share with us and to be able to discuss them freely and in a relaxed atmosphere.
Our marketplace participants:
1) "Transmitting Basic Skills: Why and How?"
- Mr Jean Terrier, Digital Literacies, University of Basel
2) "The path to digital awareness: what is USI doing for its teachers, students and administrative collaborators?"
- Ms Anda Andrijanic, eLearning Lab, Università della Svizzera Italiana
3) "A "Threshold" Self-paced Online Training for Teaching Staff"
- Ms Jade Wang Szilas and Ms Patrizia Birchler Emery, Centre for Continuing and Distance Education, Université de Genève
4) "Presentation of the new Learning Lab at the University of Freiburg (context, missions, activities, etc.)."
- Ms Laura Molteni, New Technologies and Education, University of Freiburg
5) "Videos in Education"
- Mr Christian Vonarburg, Center for digital education, EPFL
6) "Current activities and outcomes from the P8-Digital Skills project "Transversal Computational Thinking and Responsible Use of Data"".
- Ms Cécile Hardebolle, Center for digital education, EPFL
7) "Swiss MOOC Service course platform"
- Ms Annechien Helsdingen, Center for digital education, EPFL
8) "Presentation of the P8 Future University Project"
- Ms Annabelle Peringer, Centre de soutien à l’enseignement (CSE),
Université de Lausanne & UniDistance Suisse
9) "Security? Complete your set of digital skills."
- Ms Cornelia Puhze, Mr Fabio Greiner, Security Awareness, SWITCH
10) "This session presents (and discusses) elements of a student journey (one semester) that was crafted applying game based design principles".
- Mr Wolfgang Rathert, Digital Customer Experience, Hochschule Luzern
11) "SIB e-learning courses on bioinformatics".
- Ms Monique Zahn, Biodata Resources Support & Training, SIB Swiss Institute of
12) "CodeExpert - a versatile platform for conducting and assessing programming courses".
- Mr Markus Dahinden, Departement Informatik, ETH Zürich
13) "Video services of SWITCH"
- Mr Markus Buerer, Collaboration Team, SWITCH
14) "Mediaservices of SWITCH (SWITCHcast/tube)"
- Mr Matthias Spirig, Collaboration Team, SWITCH
15) "Open Educational Resources in Higher Ed"
- Ms Yvonne Klein, Open Educational Resource, ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für
Angewandte Wissenschaften
16) "Impact and Challenges of Gamified Learning in Higher Education: Learning app "Brian" at University of St.Gallen. Talk with us about our experiences, share your thoughts and discuss feature ideas to shape the future of education."
- Mr Samuel Heer, Teaching Innovation Lab, University of St. Gallen
17) "Interactive Teaching with the use of Story Nodes"
- Ms Katrine Thuesen, FFHS